Sunday 18 October 2015

How a 3-D-printer changed a 4-year-old's heart and life (News)

Mia Gonzalez, a little girl, spent 3 and a half years of her life missing out. She couldn't have a normal life because of her heart problem. After passing by about 10 hospitals, finaly, the doctors realised that she had a malformation i her aorta, the vessel that pumps blood to her body. Now the young girl would need a heart operation to close a partn of her aorta, which was putting preasure o  her windpipe, which was creating difficultss to breathe, swallow and get rid of phlegmes when she got a cold.

Unfortunately, Mia's operation was complicated, and if the surgeons of Nicklaus Children's Hospital wouldn't had the 3D printing technology, the operation could have been apprehensive. Earlier this year, the hospital acquired a 3D printer, which has been used to replicate organs that the patients needed. The heart's replica, made a lot easier the operation, Redmon Burke, the surgeon, attributes the model to save to him and the team about 2 hours in the operation room.

Tools: eines
Colleague: company


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