Thursday 11 June 2015

My 1st Batxillerat :)

My 1st Batxillerat J

A new school year has ended for me, but it hasn’t been a normal school year, I could say that it’s been so particular, nothing to do with ESO or primary.
In some way, I think that I’ve done a good choice coming here. This year has been so difficult, not only for exams and grades; I’ve experienced some things that I’ve never felt before, specially for one person.  I’ve met a lot of people, I’ve not made friends with everyone, but I’m happy about the new friends I made. I’m happy about met again some of my old class mates, as Isaac and Miquel, I haven’t seen them since we were at school, then we splitted and gone to different high schools, and It’s nice to see them again.

Finally, now that’s ending, I can see where I was at the beginning, and where I am now. I can see that I’ve grown as person, I’ve learnt a lot thanks to a lot of people, people who I’m desiring to see them as soon as I can and during a lot of time. I’m so happy about that, and, I can say, that I’m a bit sad about the end. I would like to return as soon as possible!

Should parents worry about cartoons?

Should parents worry about cartoons?

It’s a fact that some parents blame the cartoons that their sons watch lately to justify their behavior issues.
Everything depends on what’s your son doing or watching, and of course his character. For example, I’ve been playing and watching some weird things since I was younger. An example for that, I always liked to watch “South Park”, and I realized that it’s a very weird cartoon; they explain a lot of things, but in a weird thing. I played the “Grand Theft Auto” series too, and what I learnt is to distinguish the good and evil, because everything I saw there was evil. I thinki I'm pretty normal after all.

In conclusion, using me for an example, I don’t thinks that theory it’s true, because I think I’m normal. 

USA haters

USA haters

On the internet, I see a lot of people who complains about the USA, and its “police of the world” game.

I can understand their opinion, I believe. It’s true that the USA has been influencing a lot of the world, and not always by the pacific way. They’ve been supporting the killing and murdering of people just for its personal interests. They have the right to do it, because every country has done something similar along its history. But the thing is, now with all the media I think that its activities are more public and everyone can know them, so there are a lot of more protests than in past years.

The animal I would like to be

The animal I would like to be

That’s a thing that I’ve thought a lot of times, and the majority of those times, I always finished in the same conclusion.
I think that be a hornet would be cool, because those animals are so fast and small, the can go practically at any place quickly, and to bite people if they annoy me, and now that I would we sneaky, they wouldn’t never catch me, so I could enjoy a lot.
On the other hand, they have a short life-rate, I believe, so I couldn’t live for too much, and that’s a bad thing to have.

But anyway, I think that would be cool.

Too many publicity on TV

Too many publicity on TV

Every time we watch TV, we pay attention to the TV program or series which we are watching, but a lot of times those things that we like are interrupted by that annoying publicity.
At least, for example, the 50% of the time we spend watching TV is wasted by publicity, which just sends us the message to buy stuff. It’s okay to use publicity, but not to abusing it.  In Spain, there are TV chains, who use a lot of publicity, and just because it’s cheaper to pay the fine for using too much publicity, than use it in a normal quantity.

I think that there would must be some more penalties for exceeding the limit.

Old bombs in Germany (News)

Old bombs in Germany
After seventy years of the Second World War, the people of Germany still finding old bombs and ammunitions. Every year, at least 20.000 tons of active bombs and ammunitions are being found and deactivated. Some of them explode randomly, damaging people and buildings.
Specialists estimate that during the war, 1.5 million tons were dropped tin German territory, and at least, that 15% of those bombs were not detonated correctly, and could explode at any moment.
Bomb: Artifact that explodes
Ammunition: Fragments shot by fire weapons
Randomly: At any moment, unexpected

Car and a Tank Hit (News)

Car and a Tank Hit

Recently in Germany, a fight between a car and a military tank, has taken place on the streets
A car has been crushed by a tank on the streets, fortunately, the tank driver managed to move its vehicle seconds before the impact, and thanks to that, the car drivers hasn’t suffered any injury, he just got a very squashed car engine. Finally, that accident didn’t end in a tragedy, and the tank driver was cleared of any fault, and unsurprisingly, the tank was undamaged.
Undamaged: Without damage
Tank: Armored vehicle
Squashed: Aplastat

North Korea defense minister ‘executed’ for sleeping (News)

North Korea defense minister ‘executed’ for sleeping

Recently, the North Korea’s defense minister was executed for sleeping in a military event of the country.
We know that General Hyon Yong Chol was executed by an anti-aircraft gun, just because he was sleeping during a military event, and for disobeying Chief Kim’s orders.
The announcement was told to us by the South-Korean intelligence agency.

Aircraft: Plane
Executed: To be murdered for treason
Anti-Aircraft gun: Gun which is used to hunt down planes

Love locks in Paris (News)

Love locks in Paris

Paris has been considered since a lot of time as “the city of love”. One of the bridges of the city, was full of love locks, put there by couples who wanted to their love remain forever. It can sound cute, but recently has become a danger. That bridge was overcharged in weight, so it had a risk of going down, the cause were the amount of love locks put there.
The town hall, has finally decided to retire all of those locks in order to keep the bridge on its place.

Town hall: Ajuntament
Lock: Cadenat
Danger: Perill

Book review

Book review
The space invaders

The book I’ve read is called “The space invaders”. The story plot explains the story of a space thief, called Baron. The story begins with Baron, being chased by Zeron guards, because he has stolen a Zeron crystal, the most powerful energy source on the universe. While he hides on a swamp, a robot called Omega presents to him, ant hen he teleports him to its ship. There, he gets under arrest by to humans, Miranda and Mr. X (I don’t remember his name). They are thieves too, but they don’t trust him, because they were on a robbing mission too. They explain to him who they are and what they’ve did, and he does the same. Omega explains to the three humans that they won’t be able to return to Earth, because the ship ran out of power, but he proposes a plan to steal more crystal and use them to return. All of them agree, but the two who picked up Baron were plotting against each other to get the reward for themselves. Once they go to the planet Zeron once more, they manage to steal the Zeron crystals, and when they get them, the plan to murder the mission fellas starts. First, Miranda immobilizes Mr X, and Miranda betrayes Baron. Mr X manages to get his gun and shots Miranda, then they two die, Baron, who was the only one who didn’t plan to kill them, gets teleported to the ship, now that he was considered a good person by Omega.



On that time, I think that I’ve done a very good oral presentation, with a good use of vocabulary and presentation. It’s true that it was too short, it didn’t last 5 minutes, so I can understand the mark penalty, but an 8 is so good for me, now that I’ had done it just in a few time.

Monday 8 June 2015

Final reflexion

1.  Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s?  Where, for example?

Yes I see an improvement. Specially in the talking, the past years, it would have taken extra effort, but now I could do it so easily. I've learnt a lot o new words too.
2. Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think I can show my best english skills on the oral presentations, there I can write the presentation by myself,and then speak with my words.
3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I've improved my english a lot when I read the different books that school year, and I enjoyed too those books

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?
Theory classes,I find them boring and hard to follow

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?
To keep reading books, and watch some news.