Sunday 30 November 2014


I don’t have the video to upload here right now, but I remember exactly what happened.
Personally, I think I didn’t presentated the work too bad, It’s true that I had blocked a lot of times for a few seconds, but I didn’t prepared It before, I mean, I studied the tradition of the Bar-Mitzvah, how is it celebrated, the age when they celebrate it and becomes an adult, but I just limited to write and assimilate just a little of the presentation, so when I had to talk, I got nervous and then blocked.
I would put myself a 6 mark, keeping in mind that I didn’t read so much, and I tried to be the most fast as possible and articulate and pronunciate everything correctly.
At the end, the presentation didn’t last 10 minutes, we’ve failed in that point, at least the video had made the presentation longer. 

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