Wednesday 17 December 2014

Why are people fashion victims?

In the last years, the fashion  has been taking importance in our current society, the people are a lot more worried about what they are wearing if we compare it with the people of the last years. I think it's because of the growing economy in the western countries, it has allowed to spend more money in different things, and one of these things could be the clothes and complements to look good. Nowadays, the fashion is a way to show our style, and our style defines us as we are.
 Now, the fashion can define if you are a member of a "urban tribe" it's common in the urban tribes to wear all the same style, and it has taken a lot of importance, because there are a lot of people who's a member of some of these tribes, and they are growing a lot in numbers, which it takes a growth of the fashion.
The TV or other communication ways help to stablish fashions too,

Sunday 30 November 2014

Is the reggateon bad for your health?

Is the reggaeton bad for your health?
I decided to write an essay about this because, personally, I hate this “music” genre, and I don’t hate it without any reason, just because it’s a bad influence and shitty music.
Some arguments that I have:
It doesn’t have any kind of structural music.
The letters of those “songs” never show anything useful, or send a message.
Often shows the womans as sexual objects, and then the listeners believe it
Its musical base is very poor, it just consists in a drum and some few electronical sounds.
A study has demonstrated that the reggaeton is bad, it consisted in put 3 plants in different rooms, one plant had metal, other one had classic music,and the remaining plant, reggaeton. That plant didn’t grow, while the other 2 yes.

For me, that music, is just an “annoying sound”.


I don’t have the video to upload here right now, but I remember exactly what happened.
Personally, I think I didn’t presentated the work too bad, It’s true that I had blocked a lot of times for a few seconds, but I didn’t prepared It before, I mean, I studied the tradition of the Bar-Mitzvah, how is it celebrated, the age when they celebrate it and becomes an adult, but I just limited to write and assimilate just a little of the presentation, so when I had to talk, I got nervous and then blocked.
I would put myself a 6 mark, keeping in mind that I didn’t read so much, and I tried to be the most fast as possible and articulate and pronunciate everything correctly.
At the end, the presentation didn’t last 10 minutes, we’ve failed in that point, at least the video had made the presentation longer. 

Book review

Book review

The book that I’ve chosen is called “Bleach” it’s a Japanese manga created by Tite Kubo in 2001.I chose that manga because I’m a huge fan (close to being a fanatic) of it since more than 1 year, and now I’ll do a short review.
  Spoiler alert!!

Author and first steps:

Before starting working on Bleach, Tite Kubo had already a manga called   “Zombie Powder”, it was published in Japan for a few months, but finally was cancelled due the unpopularity. Then, he created a pilot chapter of Bleach, but firstly wasn’t accepted by the publishers because it seemed to a manga that already existed. After that, Tite Kubo felt in a depression and didn’t worked much, but one day, Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, (The most important shonen manga in those days) encouraged him to keep working hard and try some things. Tite took his Bleach pilot and changed It a lot, and finally in 2001, Bleach was published in the “Weekly Shonen Jump magazine”, and became in one of the most important Shonen mangas.


The story of Bleach focuses in a 15 years boy, Ichigo Kurosaki, who has the ability to see, touch, and talk to the spirits of the death people. One day, helping a spirit who was getting disturbed by some boys, he meets a shinigami (A Japanese death personification,) called Rukia Kuchiki. In an incident with a devil spirit (Hollw) she traspasses her shinigami powers to Ichigo in order to defeat the Hollow and save his family, who were'd been attacked by the hollow. Now with shinigami powers, he will help to Rukia till she recovers her powers while he learns the office of a Shinigami. But what Ichigo don’t knows, is that the shinigami powers trespass is a levy delict in the Soul Society (The place where the shinigamis live) and then, he will have to manage a situation where he’s being pursued by the Soul Society, and try to save Rukia, who’s been condemned to death for her delict.

Main characters:

Ichigo Kurosaki:

He’s the older son of the family, he has two little sisters. Since he was a child, he got bothered by some guys because he has the hair orange, due to his hair color, he has developed a rebel character, because the professors consider him as a rebel, but he’s a very good person and always is trying to help the others.
In his childhood, he wasn't able to differentiate between alive and death people, finally, in a try to help a "spirit" that was about to suicide, his mother died trying to protect him in front of him, after that, he took the blame of his mother's death, and he swore to help and protect everyone that he could.

Rukia Kuchiki:

Rukia Is a 150 years old shinigami, during her childhood in the Soul Society, she lived in on of the poorest districts of the Rukongai (The place where all the souls that are not shinigamis live), constantly forced to steal or do anything to survive. When she grew up, she decided to become a shinigami, because she had spiritual powers and could live In the Seretei (A part of the Soul Society reserved only to shinigamis). The Kuchiki family, one of the four great nobles houses in the Soul Society, decided to adopt her, and then entered in the thirteen division, where she became a true shinigami. In a mission to patrol in search of hollows in Karakura, she met Ichigo, and the history of Bleach began.

Actually, Bleach has more than 60 volumes, where which one contains more than 10 chapters, and it’s not finished yet, a new chapter is published every Thursday in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. An anime adaptation of Bleach was started in 2004, but was cancelled 1 or 2 years ago.

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a man called Toushi, he was the smartest student in the university of Osaka.
When the classes finished, he was walking in the park, when he saw a strange object, he got closer to see what it was , and to his surprise, it was just a simple iogurt cub,with a very long string, almost infinite. He took the iogurt from the ground, and he saw some red words in it, he read: "Death Iogurt", in the back face said: "Instructions : to use the death Iogurt, get it close to your mouth and say a name.
Then, the man or women you said will die in 45 seconds by a brainfreeze attack. He thought it was just a silly toy, but he carried it to home just in case.

Chapter 1: Using the Iogurt.
Later this day, at 9:30 p.m, Toushi was in his bedroom while he was watching the tv. He was joying because he was very bored, then, a TV program catched his attention. In the TV appeared a singer called "Justy Bibah" everyone hated that guy, he was a bad singer and he had no respect for anyone, and Toushi thought: " I hate that guy, the humanity would be better without him", and he remembered the iogurt that he found.
He decided to test the "iogurt", he took the iogurt and he said: "Justy Bibah", and than, waited. 40 seconds passed, and then after 5 seconds, Toushi saw that Justy Bibah started to do strange things, and then he died.
Toushi couldn't belive that, he had the power to kill whatever he wanted, and he was thinking about it...
To be Continued....

Star wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (News)


Some days ago, the first trailer of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released; the trailer lasts 88 seconds and shows some of the new features in the Star Wars universe.
The movie will be released in 15 December of 2015, and will be the next part of: "Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi", the last film in the argument history, released 31 years ago.
The Star Wars copyrights were bought by Disney a few years ago for 4billion dollars and they are planning to make a new trilogy.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer


It's true that It's a very esperated movie by the Star Wars fandom (where I'm included) but there's a weird feeling for almost everyone, Star Wars was an important part of my infancy, and the fact that is Disney who will make the movie, and not Lucasfilms, Is scaring me, maybe because I think they would ruin It and change what actually Star Wars Is.
In the other hand, Disney is planning to reunite the old Star Wars cast, Mark Hamill (Luke Skywlaker), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), and Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), and I'd like to see them again in a movie.
I hope they make a good movie, at the alture of the rest.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer


Trilogy: Something that consists in three parts
Cast: Movie performers
Copyright: Property of use
Features: Chracteristics


Europe (Essay)

Should Europe be united?
Europe is called the “old continent”, because almost all the important history has happened here, and during a lot of time, was the cultural/ economical/ technological centre of the world.

We’ve a common history, not always we’ve been in agreement between us, we have differences, and we worked in a different way for some time. But now with the creation of the European Union, would be easier to make an unique county in Europe, the sentiment of be united arrived after the second great war, and then in Europe the things seemed to have calm down, especially after the cold war, considering that now we have the same economical market and interests. 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Is competition good? (Essay)

Is competition good?
The competition is factor that encourages realizing or being over the rest in almost everything task we do, whatever if it’s just a friend-competition or a business competition between two enterprises.
I think to have a competitive spirit is a good vantage in order to be a successful one; It will help you to try to exceed your own abilities, to motivate yourself and be over your rivals.
But to be a very competitive person could be bad in excess; you would lose your friends and close people.

There’s an ideal nexus between to be competitive and to be a very competitive person,

Should we be independents? (Essay)

The Catalonian independence is a topic that has been increasing in our country a lot for the last years, mainly for the economical crisis that we’re living right now.

Well, I am not following the matter much closer, because I think I would be glad whatever if Catalonia were independent or not. But I think that the reasons in pro of the union would win. There are a lot of reasons in pro and in counter, but the most reason that I follow is: We should stay united, because we are very small countries compared with some big powers, and would be useless to split up, in the union there’s the force.

Has science gone too far? (Essay)


Has science gone too far? It’s a question that a lot of people try to answer, maybe the fact that the technology had evolved faster than ever in the last century, could make someone to think about how the technology could arrive in 200 hundred years.
I think it’s a dangerous thing to keep in mind, because in nowadays, with all the research stuff someone with low-ethic principles just could create something over the humankind possibilities, like a very strong virus, or a mortal weapon, and he could do it easily.

The science should be moderated, and focused firstly to the research of how to resolve our actual problems, and not to search for others.

Fugu fish in Crimea (News)


Recently in Sevastopol, Crimea, the fishermans of the region had finding for some time "fugu fish".
It's a very strange event, because the fugu is a tropical fish, practically impsossible to find in cold waters.
It's a growing menace for the local fauna, considering that the fugu is a very poisonous fish. It has a class of cyanide and could kill someone with just a tiny quantity

Specialists had arrived to the conclusion that the fugu has arrived to the Mediterranian trought the Suez channel, and then rushed the Black sea (where Sevastopol is)


I think it's a very weird event, how could a tropical fish, commonly found in the Pacific ocean did arrvive to the Black sea? I don't know. In Japan, the fugu is considered an exquisite meal, maybe now we could eat it often now that It's closer to us.


Rush: Move with speed/ Invade quickly
Poisonous: VerinĂ³s
Cyanide: A kind of poison


Wednesday 26 November 2014

Rosseta mission (News)


The 12 November of 2014, at 16:03, the ESA(European Space Agency) confirmed that the "Philae", the lander of the Rosseta mission, succefully completed its mission to land in the asteroid.

It has been the first mission that consists in rendezvous an asteroid with a space probe, and the study of It will start soon as they can.

The Rosetta mission was aproved in 1993, and it took 21 years to put the probe in the comet, including the time that the spaceprobe was travelling throught the space. They affirm that the study of the comet,will help to understand the beggining of our planet, and the solar system.

The Rosetta probe and the Philae lander


In my opinion, It has been a great step forward in the space missions and for the ESA, I hope someday we could go to other planets and travel around the space for cheaper.


Spaceprobe: Non-tripulated vehicle used for space exploration.
Lander: Machine that Its mission consists to land in the objective of the mission.
Rendezvous: Space maneuver that consists in aproach 2 celestal bodies (naturals or human-made) in a close distance.


DIfferences and similyties between "The best of times" and "Thirteen"

DIfferences and similyties between "The best of times" and "Thirteen"

Each movie/book speaks about the difficults that the adolescense takes, it could be a hard age to live, and there are some factors that influence in the behaviour and road to the bad ending.

For example, Chee Seng, firstly was a happy young boy, but since their parents broke, he passed trought such bad things, his history is similar to Trace's one, they went trought the bad way, they left their homework, had discussions with their family, influenced by some bad friend that they just took some issues to them, etc...

But there are differences too, Tracey just got bad influenced because she wanted to be popular and not be  herself anymore. With Chee Seng was different, he saw how his parents broke, while his father was infidel to his mother, he saw how his dog was murdered by a car and then he blamed his friends.
Finally he got influenced by a bad boy because he was alone, without anyone to talk about his problems he went to the bad way and took some problems with the law, and then some sentimentals too. But finally he managed to solve his problems with the help of his beloved familiars.

In the end, both of them seemed to had solved a lot of their problems and it seems that they are going to the good way.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Rebel Song

The rebel song that I've choosen is "Numb" of Linkin Park, my favourite music band.

It talks about he's under the control of another person, and he wants to be more dependent and be like himself.

A fragment of the song:

"Can't you see that you're smothering me?

Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control

'Cause everything that you thought I would be,

Has fallen apart right in front of you

(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

And every second I waste is more than I can take"