Sunday 29 November 2015


Hello Sonia, as you said I'm writting the presentation mail talking about my dreams.

The truth is, I never had a clear goal to achieve in my life, because since I was a kid, I never stoped thinking about all the possibilities that someone could achieve on his life. There have been a lot of ideas in my head since always. When I was a child, there were the classical ones, like being an astronaut or something like that, but recently, about 2 years ago, I became interested in visual arts.
I started drawing things I liked, and they were not so bad, but I've always felt like there was a hole on everything i've done, because it wasn't mine. So I guess that my dream would be like to create something by myself and then do an animated series or somehing so the people could enjoy it.

The past year I've been working with a friend who's studying an informatic cycle, he had to create like some kind of animated videos, and he asked me if I could send him  some designs for his charaters, so I did. In the end, I don't know how it ended, because I sent to him my first design, but then he didn't need more, so my early carreer finished there. That helped me to grow the interest in drawing. 

I think that's all, thanks for reading and good night :)

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