Friday 27 March 2015

Formal letter

7 Derpy Road
Castellò d'Empuries 
Shop Manager
19 Derp Street

To whom it may concern,
I would like to get information about a job in your shop. I am going to move to London, and I will need a job there, so when I saw your adverstiment on the Internet, I decided to call.
First of all, I think you should employ me because I am a smart guy and I think that your shop would take benefits of me. And I am going to move there very soon, so you will not have to wait too much, I would be very grateful.
I also suggest if you could give me some information about the location of your shop, because I am sure that I will get lost when I arrive in London, so I need information about the streets.

Looking forward to yourprompt reply
Your faithfully
Sergi Blanco Blanquez

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