Saturday 28 February 2015

Do violent video games cause behavior problems?

Do violent video games cause behavior problems? That's a excuse to justify why the kids have a bad behviour, and to throw the blame to the others. The video game companies don't have have the blame of the behaviour of the kids that follow their games, they warn in every video game the minimum age to play, that's called the PEGI code. The blame is of the kid's fathers, they are who let their children to play those things.
I've played violent games since i was a child, and i've never had that kind of problems, i learned that there are bad things to do, so it depends of the child too.

Is homework harmful or helpful?

Every student asks this himself some time. As a student, i know the homework is necessary to remember the knowledge learned in class, but at the same time, I think is a way to lose the interest to studies. If there were no homework, i think the students would be happier and their efficency would rise up. But the ban of the homework must be compensated with a better attention and doing more job in class.

Are we too dependents on computers?

Since we are able to have a computer in each house, the use of those machines has taken a lot of importance in our lifes. The computers, allow us to get acces to a lot of information and entertainment, at any moment.
The computers have a lot of purposes, the majority of the people use it to enjoy the vast oportunities that internet has to offer to us, as social networks, and videogames, for example.
In the other hand, the PC is a work tool too, we can use it to make our job easyer, doing difficult calculations, or ordenating our work in a simple way.
Of course, I think that we are dependent to computers, because they have taken a huge importance in our lifes.

Antiquities destroyed in Iraq

Recently, the Isis terrorist group. has destroyed some antiquities located in a Mosul museum. A new video has been released by the terrorist group, showing how their militants were destroying some antiquities with heavy hammers.
It's not clear in the video how many pieces were originals or replicas, anyway, the video is an insult for the whole human patrimony, not only the occidental culture. The main general director of the museum, confirmed that the major part of the pieces were real.
isis destroys iraq mosul artifacts_00000912.jpg


Patrimony:  part of a culture

Hammer: martell

Antiquities: ancient artefacts


Friday 27 February 2015

Fireworks factory explodes

A fireworks factory has exploded in Bogota, Colombia. The explosion took place after the gunpowder was set off.
No one has been seriously injured during the incident, except a man who a flying debris hit at the arm.
Several homes were damaged because of the explosion. Finaly, it took a group of 30 firefighters and 6 hours to control the blaze.

blaze: a fire

gunpowder: pòlvora


Special tennis in Sidney

Under the sidney's Harbour bridge, a particular tennis match has taken place. The two tennis legends: Roger Federer, and Lleyton Hewitt went to a 1 vs 1, hitting the ball while they were in high speed boats.
The event was planned to promote the new fast4 tennis matches, which are planned to make the tennis shorter and for bussy people.
The players told us that it has been a very exciting experience, because of the scenario and the new concept of playing tennis.


 promote: to make mor popular
 scenario: the place where it took place



This month marked exactly seventy years of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The camp, situated in Poland, is now an interest place for tourists, but once was a place dedicated to the slavery and human genocide, the largest of all the camps.
It was established during the second world war, by the nazi regime in 1940. During its 5 years operational, at least  one million people, a lot of them jews, were killed. Finally, the camp was liberated by the Soviet army.

liberation: to set free
operational: that stills working
army: group of armed people/ exèrcit


Dubai skyscraper on fire

 Fire in Dubai

Recently, a Dubai's residential skyscraper has been set on fire. The cause of the flame, was a cigarette butt, which was threw at the 50th floor of the building.
Fortunately , no one has been injuried during the incident. On the other hand, because of the flame, a lot of people has been forced to move away from the building, and saw their homes burnt.

Cigarette butt: The end of the cigarette.

Residential: Where people lives
