Wednesday 17 December 2014

Why are people fashion victims?

In the last years, the fashion  has been taking importance in our current society, the people are a lot more worried about what they are wearing if we compare it with the people of the last years. I think it's because of the growing economy in the western countries, it has allowed to spend more money in different things, and one of these things could be the clothes and complements to look good. Nowadays, the fashion is a way to show our style, and our style defines us as we are.
 Now, the fashion can define if you are a member of a "urban tribe" it's common in the urban tribes to wear all the same style, and it has taken a lot of importance, because there are a lot of people who's a member of some of these tribes, and they are growing a lot in numbers, which it takes a growth of the fashion.
The TV or other communication ways help to stablish fashions too,